But it would be much more fun to take advantage of the game’s four-player multiplayer. You can increase the playing time by collecting items to synthesize, completing all side quests and collecting every monster. Unpleasant flashbacks or lengthy discussions tangle the game. Although the game is graphically superior to its predecessor GameCube, the character designs are not as lovely as the original shaded style. The battles occur in real-time, and most of which are button attacks against enemies easily without the strategic plan, you run behind the enemy and slash it at the back. Additionally, there are some side quests available at the Katz Guild. Tales Of Symphonia- Dawn Of The New World is a Nintendo Wii emulator game that you can download to your computer and enjoy it by yourself or with your friends. As such, unused ones can be stored in pen at Katz Guild. You have the 'Heart Warden' listed as 'Heat Warden'. If you want a monster for healing and magic spells Fenia. The party can only hold four monsters at the same time. Good monsters capable of good high damage are Fenrir, Orion, Galf Beast, and Wolf Heddin.

Another new feature is the ability to capture, evolve and level up more than 200 monsters to fight alongside Emil. Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World is an immersive video game that uses the “flexible linear motion combat system that enhances the flexibility” in conjunction with aspects of the combat system to Create an experienced battle.