The Microphone and Voice Activation subsections of the This Device section will allow you to enable the permissions necessary to use voice activation with Cortana. Under Keyboard Shortcut, you can do things like enable or disable the Windows Key + C shortcut which is used to activate Cortana and or choose what happens when you press that shortcut (be given the ability to type and speak to Cortana or only the ability to type to Cortana). Within the This Device section, you can choose how you interact with Cortana (typing to her or voice activation) and you can enable the permissions needed for each kind of interaction to occur. There are three categories of settings you can configure in Cortana’s settings menu: This Device, Account, and Hardware. Choose Settings from the drop-down menu that appears. Then select the More icon (which looks like a set of three horizontally-oriented dots and is located in the top left corner). To access Cortana’s settings so that you can better customize it to your preferences, start by selecting the Cortana icon on the Taskbar. Then click the Sign In button that appears and follow the on-screen instructions. To do so, select the Cortana icon on the taskbar (located to the right of the search bar). You can get the most functionality out of Cortana if you’re signed in to your Microsoft account.